Little Italy
Est l' adresse de référence des soirées du lundi a Paris.
Pour les amateurs de bonne musique, de cocktail travaillés et de bons produits.
- Little Italy[/caption]
Chaque lundi avec vous, un bon cocktail, un morceau choisi, une ambiance unique..
Ce sont ces petites choses qui font de Little Italy Paris votre rendez-vous incontournable du lundi!.
Little Italy :
65, rue pierre charron.
75008 Paris.
Adresse prestigieuse sur une des plus belles avenues du monde , celle des champs élysées.
![Little Italy paris 8 ème magnifyk Little Italy](
Little Italy[/caption]
Little Italy
Is the reference address of Monday night party in Paris.
For lovers of good music, cocktails and good products.
Every Monday from midnight.
![Little Italy paris Little Italy](
Little Italy[/caption]
To the management and to welcome you: Bruno Baretta ,Former director of the famous discotheque the Queen Club on the most famous avenue of Paris the Champs Elysées where he knew how to make the joys of the whole of Paris and of the whole national and international jet set and he worked with the greatest artists in the world.
Every Monday with you, a good cocktail, a chosen piece, a unique atmosphere ..
![little italy magnifyk Little Italy](
Little Italy[/caption]
These are the little things that make Little Italy Paris your unmissable rendez vous on Monday!
Little Italy:
65, rue pierre charron.
75008 Paris.
Prestigious address on one of the most beautiful avenues of the world, that of the Champs Elysées.